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7. 11. 2007 21:58
quad perfektni znalost ciziho jazyka

samozrejme ze clovek, ktery prisel do cizi zeme pozdeji nez v 5 letech skoro nikdy nezvladne ten jazyk bez akcentu.

Napr. Kissinger prisel z Nemecka do USA  asi v 15 letech , stal se 2. nejmocnejsim muzem v USA , jeho syntax  a retorika vubec je sice  prvotridni , lec mluvi i po 60 letech se silnym akcentem , takze kazdy okamzite pozna , ze anglictina neni jeho materstina . Stejne tak pani Albright. Byt mam  krom ceskeho i nemecky doktorat mluvim samozrejme s akcentem - v psanem projevu se moje cizinectvi sotva pozna.

Akcent v anglictine ci francouzstine mam dozajista mnohem mensi a rekl bych vysoce nadprumerny -nez v nemcine kterou mluvim teprve poslednich 35 let  a s kterou jsem zacal az po emigraci.S Francouzstinou a anglictinou jsem ale zacal jiz od nejrannejsiho detstvi  s ucebnicemi  z "Ruske kultury na Vaclavaku " tedy rusko -anglickych ci francouzskych , coz bylo po valce jedine dosazitelny zdroj , pro mne krom meho jazykove fenomenalne vybaveneho otce.Spanelsky  a portugalsky jsem se ucil asi jen 10 let  - ale pouze se elementarne domluvim a predevsim  mohu v techto jazycich cist. V nemcine poznam  ale - urcite jako i Zahradnik- cizinecky akcent  okamzite .Jedina Ceska mluvici bez akcentu nemecky  kterou jsem slysel je ta reziserka a herecka Dana Vavrova , vdavsi se za jednoho velmi renomovane bavorskeh rezisera - ted jde v Praze od ni film " Posledni vlak ".

Evicka Cerna

8. 11. 2007 8:14
Re: quad perfektni znalost ciziho jazyka

Hi Tommy, your info on  Ms. Albright's accent is incorrect. Read and weep. E.

Madeleine Korbel Albright is surely one of the most sympathetic figures ever to occupy the office of U.S. secretary of state. A refugee from Hitler and Stalin--and, in a strange way, from her family's Jewish past--Albright adopted her new homeland with all the zealous patriotism of the converted. Becoming an American was "the big, defining thing in my life," she tells Michael Dobbs in his doggedly reported, insightful new book, Madeleine Albright: A 20th Century Odyssey. Indeed, it is somehow telling that Albright, who arrived in America at age 11, quickly lost her foreign accent and later, as a policy-maker, became a Wilsonian moralist whose hero is WASP wise man Dean Acheson. On the other hand Henry Kissinger, who was just four years older when he immigrated, retained his Bavarian growl and turned into a Realpolitician with a fondness for Metternich.

Evicka Cerna

8. 11. 2007 8:17
Re: Re: quad perfektni znalost ciziho jazyka

Another info.

Madeleine Korbel became a naturalized U.S. citizen and learned to speak English without an accent by the time she graduated high school. She earned a degree in political science from Wellesley College in 1959. Three days after graduating from Wellesley, she married Joseph Medill Patterson Albright, a member of one of the nation’s prominent newspaper dynasties. The couple moved to Long Island, New York, where three daughters—twins Anne and Alice, and Katharine—were born by 1967. Shortly after Albright earned her Ph.D. in public law and government from Columbia University in 1968, Joseph Albright was made the Washington bureau chief of one of his family’s publications, Newsday, and the family moved to the nation’s capital.


8. 11. 2007 18:59
Re: Re: quad perfektni znalost ciziho jazyka

Dear Christmas Eve , you are absolutely right - I am not able to detect a slight  accent  in english, but my american friend told me , she would have a slight accent . No doubt - Mrs. Albright is a great woman ! But she came to US at age of 11. Henry Kissinger kame  to US  at 17 and was not able to get rid of his accent  even having been the  2. mightest man ! I wanted to talk just about  linguistical accents , not about  human qualities .


8. 11. 2007 12:23
Re: quad perfektni znalost ciziho jazyka

Samochvála smrdí - a v tomto případě natolik, že bez plynové masky je těžko takové příspěvky číst.


8. 11. 2007 19:11
Re: Re: quad perfektni znalost ciziho jazyka

Hombre  Totomato , no estas obligado a   leerlo cuando estas sufriendo de parosmia o hyposmia !