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Evicka Cerna

9. 11. 2007 11:00
accent for Tommy

Dear Tommy.

You are confusing two things. I reality everybody in America has some form of an accent. Ms. Albright has a slight new york accent and if your friend is lets say from Texas, he would certainy notice.

However, we we talking about the fact, that Ms. Albright lost her czech accent.

Old Henry, on the other hand, talks like he just stepped out of the Hindenburg, the famous german zeppelin.


11. 11. 2007 17:06
Re: accent for Tommy

Absolutely right !!!!!


11. 11. 2007 17:17
Re: Re: accent for Tommy

As for "accent "- in the States as well as e.g. in Germany there is a plenty of dialekts -bavarian one, swabian one and so on . But " accent " is- at least in Germany - attributed only to foreigners . It means - a bavarian speaks with no accent but in bavarian dialect.